03 December 2013

Retail? Everything Is E-Commerce Now

“Retail has become a blur. And the blurring is 100 percent driven by technology,” says Tige Savage, a partner at AOL founder Steve Case’s investment company, Revolution, which is investing in new online retail startups. “Are you at the store? Or is the store at you? And then there’s mobile, the store is in your pocket. The game is to satisfy demand wherever and whenever it is.” (source infra)

How the Definition of E-Commerce Is Changing | MIT Technology Review: "With its thousands of engineers, Amazon is starting to look like a software company that just coincidentally sells things. But now it and other Internet companies, including eBay and Google, are investing in same-day delivery—getting goods to people just hours after they order them. With their drop boxes and fleets of delivery cars, they’re bidding to eliminate one of physical retailers’ main advantages: immediate gratification."

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