22 September 2014

Negative Trends for Domain Names, Domain Name Industry

Google Trends - Web Search interest: tld, Top-level domain, domain name, icann - Worldwide, 2004 - present: TLD, Top-Level Domain, Domain Name, ICANN

Registrar Stats reported a total net loss of 3,511 registered domain names in their Total TLD Domain Counts report for September 20, 2014. Of the 10 largest gTLDs (generic Top-Level Domains), all showed a net loss of registered domain names, except for .COM, .XYZ, .ASIA, and .BERLIN. What will happen next year when it comes time for renewals of new gTLD domain names (which are generally priced higher than .COM domain names)?

Maybe ICANN is 10 years too late in launching 1000+ new TLD domain name extensions--maybe, as Chris Dixon has said, the audience and all the action is going mobile--moving towards native mobile applications, bypassing the web altogether. Whatever it is, the numbers are not impressive in most of the new gTLDs, and in recent months there's been a spate of stories negative on domain names (new gTLDs) and the domain name industry (registrars/registries)--here's a sampling:

GoDaddy’s proposed IPO--Go time or past time?

Critical Look at New gTLD Registries' Tactics

Hey domain registrars, get your sh*t together!

Why most brands may never sign the ICANN contract

Update on the Status of Already-Launched gTLDs: Is Anyone Out There?

Rightside – Short Idea – Trending on towards the Wrong-side

New TLDs: is it an awareness, acceptance or demand issue?

ICANN Insiders On New gTLDs: Mistakes, Fiascos, Horrible Implementation

Verisign Ranked #1 By Z-Score Which Predicts Companies Heading Into Serious Financial Distress

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