03 September 2014

IGF 2014, Featured Sessions Wednesday

Internet Governance Forum 2014, featured Wednesday sessions:

Wednesday, September 3 • 9:00am - 10:30am 
No. 23 WS23: Accountability in MultiStakeholder Governance Regime ICANN
Discussion of how accountability goals are achieved at ICANN under its multi-stakeholder governance processes. To whom is ICANN accountable and what are the mechanisms for ensuring that accountability is adequate? In what way do these mechanisms need strengthening or further improvements, particularly in light of NTIA’s announcement to transition out its current role? How do checks and balances on power, such as structural separation of key DNS operations encourage accountability? How have ICANN’s Affirmation of Commitments and the Accountability and Transparency Review Team fostered (or undermined) accountability goals at ICANN? What lessens were learned from the AoC and ATRT processes on achieving accountability under a multi-stakeholder governance regime? What is the role of ICANN's Ombudsman Office in achieving accountability for the institution?

Wednesday, September 3 • 11:00am - 12:30pm
No. 185: WS185: ICANN Globalization and the Affirmation of Commitments 
Should the bilateral (US Gov-ICANN) relationship be replaced by a “Web of Affirmation of Commitments” between ICANN and the world’s governments and relevant nongovernmental actors, as advocated by an ICANN Strategy Panel? Could the US role simply be removed from the equation, rather than being replaced by formal agreements with other parties? Would another arrangement better promote globalization and multistakeholderism while preserving the security, stability and unity of the Internet? How far can ICANN’s globalization be advanced while preserving ICANN’s legal status and nexus of contractual relationships? Could the innovative AOC serve as a model for other global Internet governance issue-areas? The workshop would bring together architects of the AOC with other leading proponents of ICANN’s globalization.

Wednesday, September 3 • 2:30pm - 4:00pm
No. 191: ICANN Globalization in an Evolving IG Ecosystem
This workshop is targeted toward those with an interest in the evolution of the Internet governance ecosystem, and will address a range of issues in this area including: 
• ICANN accountability and transparency mechanisms;
• Globalization of ICANN and IANA functions, including the NTIA transition dialogue;
• Enhancing global multi-stakeholder Internet governance cooperation, including reflections on Netmundial;
• Roadmap toward collaborative and inclusive Internet Governance, including the output of the High-Level Panel. 

IGF 2014 Schedule 

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