12 September 2014

Internet Governance, US State Department Video, Help or Hindrance?

Dr. Mueller is referring to the video below, and the reason he is telling the US State Department to stfu is referenced in the Washington Post excerpt further below:

The Internet Belongs to Everyone - YouTube:

Why the video--and why now?

The State Department’s plan to spark a global SOPA-style uprising around Internet governance - The Washington Post: "... things are more complicated as other countries and advocates coalesce their opposition to the current way of doing things... an ongoing debate over how the Internet's standards and practices should be decided. It has long operated under a unique "multistakeholder model" in which governments, NGOs, academia, individuals and others all focused on consensus-driven decision-making, under the ICANN umbrella. But there's a push to expand the ITU's purview to include Internet governance ... The issue will likely come up again at the quadrennial ITU Plenipotentiary happening in late October in Busan, South Korea...."

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